There was supposed to be 3 releases but then there was a problem with the CGSB chapter, so CGSB fans will probably have to wait another day before a release.
I hope these releases make your day as school has started for most people by now D: I start school next week so I'm still free for a bit longer, lol. Since I'll be starting school soon releases will probably take place in the evening from now on unless they're weekend releases or releases on my days off ^^
New Sexy Simpleton The 4th prince has a decision to make as his sister's wedding is approaching. Prince must also save Mi Joo from Khubilai and find their way back to the 21st century.
Only one more chapter to go! I thought this chapter was really sweet ^^ It all depends on the person though ;)
Idol Shopping Ga Yun has finally found out that the person pretending to be A Ul is really Song Ih. What will happen next?
it really is awesome 2 come home from school and see ur releases and be able to enjoy reading them. U make my day worth while!!!! thanx!!!!!! ur awesome
ohhh yeah is there any chance that u could add "the sexy simpleton" to ur poll i know there r probably a lot of people who would want to read how Prince and Mi Joo met. Thanks!!!
Thanks so much! And I dont expect anything, but if you guys would ever consider doing a manhwa called "Sarasah" that would be wonderful. If not, I am still very happy. You guys rock!
Hehe I love Sarasah ^^ Reminds me of CGSB in some ways ^^ I was so disappointed when Chibi Manga dropped it (I was the QCer for some chapters). It was dropped though because it's licensed so I don't know if we'd ever consider picking up licensed works ^^;
Wow... gone for a day and two new chapters of NSS & a chapter of Idol Shopping already! Ahh... I feel so spoiled right now, especially with Bon Bons stuffing down my face..